Thursday, February 23, 2012

Writer's Block...Again

Just when I thought having a new blog with a new theme would help and even inspire me to keep on writing...I'm suddenly faced (yet again) with writer's block.

There are of course 1001 topics to write about, but I do screen through it and select only some that can be blogged. (personal stuffs and too negative stuffs I try to avoid) I'm trying to think and write more positive things, or even funny stuffs more. So that maybe one day, when I look back at the blogs, I can smile and even laugh about it, to cheer me up when feeling down.

Is it a good thing or bad thing to be expressive ? I think that depends on the individual, how much info he/she might be willing to "share" or express. But can being too expressive (letting out too much info) cause harm or misunderstandings and even hate ? It might...perhaps...words are mightier than the sword We have to keep reminding ourselves to "mind our language"

Wonder what else I should write next...? :P

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