Friday, February 10, 2012

Brain Cracking, Head Banging

Tis the time of the year to get down to "business". Lots of plannings to do, paperworks to settle, places to go around, items to check, and more.

Many upcoming events to organise (which I will not mention just yet), but I hope it'll be another great year filled with unexpected surprises and encounters.

But not forgetting the many sleepless nights and stress that will come along with it. (don't get me wrong) It's actually quite fun, interesting & challenging. Just that, there's bound to have its ups and downs, other interferences, or unknown factors (partly depends on luck as well), that "might" sometimes deter the process and progress of everything.

It might also once in awhile "get to me", break my spirit, or tire me out completely, but think back, there's nothing really much to loose, but alot to gain. And most importantly will be the changes or impacts that we might bring to other people's lives (close friends, friends around us, even strangers...)

At the end of the day (or rather, events), we will still gain a sense of satisfaction, because we still did it, defied odds, (probrably breaking some rules along the way as well).

Let's see how it goes!

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