Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This psychological stress, be it feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, or dread, can sometimes creep up unexpectingly. Well, technically, I personally would blame it on the change of hormones.

I guess, everyone has his/her own ways of coping with it. For me, I guess it works in a few ways...

Work stress > Family de-stress
Family stress > Work de-stress

When all else fails, quiet peaceful time alone sometimes help. It may help to clear the mind, heart & soul. But when it's too quiet, and the mind starts racing more negative thoughts than positive constructive thoughts, it's always good to seek some friend's company to de-stress.

But no matter what, at some point, sooner or later, we will still need to face that fear, to overcome it. (Mind starts contemplating again cos usually it is mostly easier said than done)

So...before we can get any "fear overcoming" done, I guess sleep and rest is essential too. (part of the "de-stressing" process) nite!!

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