Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cold Wet Stormy Night

Is it rainy season already ? Just when I was just getting used to the hot weather. Not that I don't like the rain, I like rain, I wish I could still walk in the rain without any umbrella and get drench all over. Too bad it's not going to happen. (Unless I intend to spend my MC at the hospital and pay a large sum on medical bills)

I used to spend hours looking at the rain and the ripples created by each raindrop. It's so rhythmatic and mesmerizing. Different sizes of raindrops causes different ripples and effects. And after the rain (during the day time), I would often hunt for a glimpse of the rainbow somewhere in the sky. (Sometimes there just isn't any) but when there is, I also used to believe that there would be a pot of gold and leprechauns at each end of it. (not forgetting the hunt for 4 leaf clovers) which I've yet to really find any. No wonder luck isn't on my side. LOL

I remembered also finding raindrops or water dews on leaves or petals. It always looks so cool and refreshing. (It does feel cold when it sprinkles onto you) When you see puddles of water, you might also spot a few birds washing themselves or playing around. (small brown birds looks so cute) especially when they shake their feathers to dry.

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