Sunday, February 26, 2012

When Life Gets You Down, It's Not Over Yet

Lot of times, I personally sometimes feel that life is so down, feel like giving up on certain things, feel unhappy over certain matters, etc...even sometimes thought about whether the sacrifices was worth it.

By the end of the day, after clearing my thoughts, I feel that this life isn't as bad nor unfortunate as it actually seems. There ARE in fact, other people who are experiencing even worst situations.

There are lots of things I should feel grateful about, and should be lifting my spirits up, instead of pushing it down. When my marriage was down, my family was there for me. When every day life was dull, my kids would brighten it up for me. Sometimes when my kids make me crazy, my friends are there to keep me sane. When work was stressing me, colleagues are there to support me. At times even, people and even strangers around me gives inspirations and comforting encouragements.

Well, of course, if I have no money, I can't just go begging for it. That's why, I have to be even stronger and more hard working to earn it. Even though I've lost faith in love and even relationships, let's just put it aside for now then. Some things in life just have to wait, while there may be other more important things that should be prioritized for now.

So when life gets you down, it's not over just yet. There's still alot of things out there, waiting to be explored, to be fulfilled, to be experienced. It can sometimes be tough and challenging, but it may be rewarding and valuable. Priceless..maybe?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lots To Do, Lots To Learn

There's so many things to do, so many goals to achieve, so many new things to learn, new skills to master, etc (list goes on and on and on...)

Learning is infinite, as long as we're willing to try it, to do our best in it. No matter at what age anyone is in, learning is like a "survival kit". It helps to upgrade ourselves, to evolve into something better, to equipt us with more knowledge and to gain new experiences along the way.

I'm very fortunate enough to have good people around me, who are willing to share and guide me along the way. Even though I'm pretty slow at it, and can sometimes be stubborn in changing the old habits, but I hope, with more time and opportunities, I can achieve it somehow, some day.

It sometimes feel scary too, maybe due to expectations, or scared of dissapointments, or probably lack of confidence as well. Hoping that sooner or later, with more practise, extra effort, and little bit more determination, will help me overcome this feeling.

Keep moving forward, aim straight ahead...!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Writer's Block...Again

Just when I thought having a new blog with a new theme would help and even inspire me to keep on writing...I'm suddenly faced (yet again) with writer's block.

There are of course 1001 topics to write about, but I do screen through it and select only some that can be blogged. (personal stuffs and too negative stuffs I try to avoid) I'm trying to think and write more positive things, or even funny stuffs more. So that maybe one day, when I look back at the blogs, I can smile and even laugh about it, to cheer me up when feeling down.

Is it a good thing or bad thing to be expressive ? I think that depends on the individual, how much info he/she might be willing to "share" or express. But can being too expressive (letting out too much info) cause harm or misunderstandings and even hate ? It might...perhaps...words are mightier than the sword We have to keep reminding ourselves to "mind our language"

Wonder what else I should write next...? :P

Monday, February 20, 2012

Doctor Kids

How can you tell when your kids fall ill too often or always gets injured one two many times ?

The answer is simple :
When your kids start prescribing their own medicines and telling you what to do for them

Sickness 1 - Fever "hot hot"
"Mummy, I need the "Pink" medicine" (Pink = Strawberry flavoured panadol for kids)
"I need to drink lots of water" (Fills up water tumbler to the brim on their own)
"I need cold cold" (Takes ice cube / ice pack, wrap with a small towel, puts it on forehead)

Sickness 2 - Flu / Sneezing / Cold
"Mummy, I need massage" (Massage = apply hot rub of Vicks on their chest & back)
"I have booger in my nose" (Takes tissue paper and blows nose)

Sickness 3 - Cough / Sore throat
"Mummy, I cannot drink cold water, eat ice cream, drink juice" *sulks*
"Put a little bit hot water for me please" (Fills water tumbler with mix of hot water)
"I need to swallow medicine" (Chinese herbal meds that helps clears up the phlegm)

Sickness 4 - Stomache
"Mummy, I need to rub medicine on my tummy"
" stomach hurts" *drama*

Injury 1 - Fall / Cut / Bleeding
*Takes a plaster, peels it & sticks it on the wound
"Mummy, I need to put medicine" (Antiseptic Cream or Flavine)

Injury 2 - Itchy / Red Spots / Mosquitoe bites
"Mummy, I need to put "balm balm" (Medicated ointments for insect stings)

My elder's own experience as her own dentist : "Mummy, my tooth is going to come out" (few days or about a week later) "Mummy, I took out my tooth already. It came off by itself" I think she broke my record already.

I doubt they would be pursuing their studies in medicine or becoming future doctors/dentist, but at least they are good enough to be first aiders at home.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Twins Debate

Before the twins mastered their language and speech skills, they were mostly mimicking or copy-cat-ing everybody else, especially from cartoons or kids shows, their elder sister, even from the adults. Most of the time, they would be agreeing with each other about things, talk about same topics, and want to be what the other wanted to be.

Now that they're much older, most of the time you would hear their "debates" and different point of views or opinions. Which is kinda a good thing, since it proves that even twins can be different and have different preferences.

But sometimes, it can be quite a handful when both start to disagree with one another. For example, I asked both twins to decide where to go next, gave them the option of A and B. Without hesitation, both replied A and B respectively, and starts debating again whose choices was the best.

If the eldest sister was around, she would've influenced their decision, at least to either a 2-1 vote, or 3-0 vote. Would've made decision making a whole lot easier too.

Cold Wet Stormy Night

Is it rainy season already ? Just when I was just getting used to the hot weather. Not that I don't like the rain, I like rain, I wish I could still walk in the rain without any umbrella and get drench all over. Too bad it's not going to happen. (Unless I intend to spend my MC at the hospital and pay a large sum on medical bills)

I used to spend hours looking at the rain and the ripples created by each raindrop. It's so rhythmatic and mesmerizing. Different sizes of raindrops causes different ripples and effects. And after the rain (during the day time), I would often hunt for a glimpse of the rainbow somewhere in the sky. (Sometimes there just isn't any) but when there is, I also used to believe that there would be a pot of gold and leprechauns at each end of it. (not forgetting the hunt for 4 leaf clovers) which I've yet to really find any. No wonder luck isn't on my side. LOL

I remembered also finding raindrops or water dews on leaves or petals. It always looks so cool and refreshing. (It does feel cold when it sprinkles onto you) When you see puddles of water, you might also spot a few birds washing themselves or playing around. (small brown birds looks so cute) especially when they shake their feathers to dry.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger

This was the lyrics of a song I heard over the radio this evening while driving home from work. I totally agree with it and can somewhat relate to it.

Having overcome mental torture, near breakdowns, and everything in between, not forgetting near death experiences, I'm very lucky to still be alive and doing well, and yes, it has somewhat made me stronger in certain aspects, but there are still fears deep within that'll take some time to overcome.

Here's the music video of the's rather catchy actually... =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Anyone Seen Cupid Yet ?

Well, why else would cupid be around here for? Preparing for Valentine's Day of course. I've had my fair share of romantic and/or non-romantic Valentine's. Unfortunately, it ended few years ago for me, BUT...doesn't mean I'm not happy.

Purpose of Valentine's day is to spend this day with that special someone, someone you love, to care & to share, to appreciate & to cherish him/her (and everything else sweet and nice).

Not only does it mean being with bf & gf or husband & wife, but I guess it also includes with parents, siblings (family), children, friends/BFF's, or whomever it may be (does pets count?) If dogs can be human's best friend, why not valentine's too right? (hypothetically speaking)

Anyway, to all the lovely couples, be happy and cherish the one you love every single day. To the singles, also to be happy and not to lose hope nor feel despair (single = freedom = cost savings) isn't that something to be happy about ?

As for me, I'll be attending to my 3 cute Valentine's at home, and spending my "freedom" time on some paperworks. LOL

Happy Valentine's Day everyone !~

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Emo, Smiles, Tears & Laughter

These are some mix feelings & emotions I've had when watching some movies, not to mention SUSPENSE! (I admit, I'm a sucker when it comes to love/romantic movies with a little bit of action) Yes, it's none other than Twilight - Breaking Dawn (still eagerly waiting for part 2...sadly)

Anyway, another show I've watched was "Paradise Kiss" - a Japanese movie either shot based on the anime / manga or vice not sure...I just enjoy the stories.

Some shows like these teaches (or rather) reminds us of how to go through and face our problems, making life's choices, taking up responsibilities on our own actions, and whole lots of other stuffs.

It's also shows like these that helps motivates us, inspires us, and to let us get through the days even better. In "Paradise Kiss", they used "butterfly" as their symbol. (its process of metamorphosis represents a symbol of transformation, as well as faith)

Can't wait to watch more movies/shows!~ (partly doing some catching up on old / previous shows)...better late than never rite ?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Brain Cracking, Head Banging

Tis the time of the year to get down to "business". Lots of plannings to do, paperworks to settle, places to go around, items to check, and more.

Many upcoming events to organise (which I will not mention just yet), but I hope it'll be another great year filled with unexpected surprises and encounters.

But not forgetting the many sleepless nights and stress that will come along with it. (don't get me wrong) It's actually quite fun, interesting & challenging. Just that, there's bound to have its ups and downs, other interferences, or unknown factors (partly depends on luck as well), that "might" sometimes deter the process and progress of everything.

It might also once in awhile "get to me", break my spirit, or tire me out completely, but think back, there's nothing really much to loose, but alot to gain. And most importantly will be the changes or impacts that we might bring to other people's lives (close friends, friends around us, even strangers...)

At the end of the day (or rather, events), we will still gain a sense of satisfaction, because we still did it, defied odds, (probrably breaking some rules along the way as well).

Let's see how it goes!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fly Away Lil Birdies

Before we even knew it, the little birds that was residing in a little nest outside the garden, had flew off with their parents (or could be by themselves, independantly)

This obviously made me...made us (the entire household) very excited and happy for the chicks. It took them only a few weeks, from little eggs, hatchlings, chicks, and flying away as grown up birds.

I admire this bird much risk the parent bird took to lay her eggs here...hatched it and took care of the hatchlings' needs daily...very protective too if I might add (from their gestures)...either one of them would be nearby...watching us, checking us out to see if we were "OK", and not intruders harming the little birds.

Then lastly, how much determination and courage the little birds took to take flight, venturing out into the open air..souring high into the unknown but with full of excitement and amazement...(dreamily imagining how it would feel like to actually fly freely high up in the sky without limitations and full of freedom)

Anyway, did I mentioned that this is the 2nd generation bird family ? It's actually the second time we managed to witness such amazing happening, right in our own garden, and in the very same nest they first built. Hope one day they'll be back, and the next, and next...3rd generation ? 4th ? etc...

Waiting for that day to come...again :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This psychological stress, be it feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness, or dread, can sometimes creep up unexpectingly. Well, technically, I personally would blame it on the change of hormones.

I guess, everyone has his/her own ways of coping with it. For me, I guess it works in a few ways...

Work stress > Family de-stress
Family stress > Work de-stress

When all else fails, quiet peaceful time alone sometimes help. It may help to clear the mind, heart & soul. But when it's too quiet, and the mind starts racing more negative thoughts than positive constructive thoughts, it's always good to seek some friend's company to de-stress.

But no matter what, at some point, sooner or later, we will still need to face that fear, to overcome it. (Mind starts contemplating again cos usually it is mostly easier said than done)

So...before we can get any "fear overcoming" done, I guess sleep and rest is essential too. (part of the "de-stressing" process) nite!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rest ? Not quite

After an early morning start, 10 hours of hot "sauna", a nice delicious meal after that, a relaxing warm bath, some FB surfing...and just when I thought I could lie down, kick back and relax, I remembered that I still had more things to settle - kids revision... =_="

That is an unavoidable fate and responsibility of a parent, to make sure kids have the sufficient practise, knowledge and studying attitude.

Besides having to "battle" their never ending complaints and pleadings (and sometimes crocodile tears), it is still something that just needs to be done, no matter what or how.

*Yawn* I'm even too sleepy and tired to continue...let's give my eyes some shut eve first...OK ? >-<)

Monday, February 6, 2012


Festivals, festivals, FESTIVALS! Yes, these few days (or weeks) has only been about festivals. And not to mention the traffic jams, jams, JAMS! almost everywhere.

While driving around, I had to avoid traffic when the "Dondang Sayang" float was about...then the long Q towards esplanade for the "Chap Goh Meh"...and the jam all around that's anticipating the Thaipusam festival...Multi-cultural indeed, which is a really cool and unique thing to have, but unfortunately the jams all over the island isn't helping to enhance the festive spirit.

I like the sounds of festivities and gatherings, but I'm not the type to enjoy the crowded atmosphere and thoughts of having to squeeze amongst hundreds of's more like a nightmare to me. Especially when I've always had that sense of insecurities, probably because I'm walking amongst people who are taller, bigger and stronger than me, and I feel myself being stepped on, pushed and shoved around (even though unintentionally).

Anyway, few more days, and hope everything will be back to normal...not very quietly nor peacefully, but at least, with some breathing space around again. As for now, Happy Festives all around everyone!

*Drive safely, carefully, and patiently...since you won't be able to beat it, just join in.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Why, What, Where, When, How

These are the common questions kids would ask when they're growing up. Almost everyday, there would be new questions by my own kids involving these 5W's

1. Why is it like this / that ?
2. What does it mean ?
3. Where are you / we going ?
4. When is it ?
5. How do you do it ?

*and the list goes on and on...depending on the situation.

But somehow, these are more positive types of questions, whereby kids keep on learning through curiosity while they constantly throw out questions of sorts.

Whereas, while growing up, we sometimes tend to ask the 5W's in a more negative way, and might take for granted, such as...
1. Why me ?
(if not you, who else?)

2. What does it have to do with me ?
(it definately has something to do with you otherwise we wouldn't be telling / asking you)

3. Where are my things ?
(without even putting effort in finding it in the first place)

4. When will it end ?
(when it's finished)

5. How long more ?
(have more patience, please)

So, let's try and keep reminding ourselves to ask the 5W's in a more positive and constructive manner, shall we ?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What They Say

Today while chit chatting with my colleagues (what topic or how it started I don't really recall) but it reminded me of some jokes way back...

When my kids were younger, and they were not yet taught to remember their parent's name, grandparent's name, even their own names, this was what they answered...

Scene 1
Adult     : What is your mummy's name ?
Big A    : Mummy!
Adult     : What is your daddy's name ?
Big A    : Papa!
Adult     : ...

Scene 2
Adult     : What is your mummy's name ?
Big A     : "Lao Po"! / 老婆 (wife)
Adult     : What is your daddy's name ?
Big A    : "Lao Gong"! / 老公 (husband)
Adult     : How can that be your mummy and daddy's names ?
Big A    : Because it's what they call each other everyday!
Adult     : (LOL)

Scene 3
Adult     : What is your "ah mah's" (grandmother's) name ?
Twins    : AH MAH!
Adult     : What is your "ah gong's" (grandfather's) name ?
Twins    : AH GONG!
Adult     : =_="

Scene 4
Adult     : What is your name ?
Twin 2   : MEI MEI!  (younger sister)
Adult     : What is your "jie jie's" name ?
Twin 2   :  JIE JIE! (big sister)
Adult     : ...

Scene 5
Adult     : What is your "jie jie's" name ?
Twin 1   : Allysa! (eldest sister)
Adult     : OK. But you must call her Allysa "jie jie", OK ?
Twin 1   : No...I'm JIE JIE! ( > 3 < )
Adult     : Then what's your twin sister's name ?
Twin 2   : MEI MEI!
Adult     : ...

But now that they're more grown up, and some people still keep mistaken the twin's identities, they can sometimes get rather fed up of correcting people's mistakes.

Adult     : Alice...(while looking at Ashley)
Ashley   : my name is ASHLEY!
Adult     : Opps...sorry. :P
Ashley   : (giving him/her the "look")

Adult     : Ashley....(while looking at Alice)
Alice     : NO! I'm not Ashley...she's Ashley...I'm ALICE!
Adult     : Oh...ok ok...
Alice     : haiyo.... (then emo's)

Kids... XD

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fighting Spirit GO!

Just finished catching up with some Japanese dramas. It's funny, very comedic (sometimes to the point of being nonsensical) but it really does brighten up ones day, especially after a hectic / stress day and you just feel like unwinding. *phew* Am still doing more catching up on comedic dramas, although sometimes i admit it can become somewhat addictive.

What I like partly about these shows is that it contains certain life lessons and moral values with direct / indirect meanings... (whether it makes sense or not,  is another thing) A few common values would be like determination, perseverence, friendships / bondings, etc. just to name a few.

Here's one of the soundtrack songs (also the main opening theme songs) which helps keep me going.

My Girl is now 8

My little girl is growing up. Can't imagine that it has been this long we've been together. She has gone through alot of ups and downs, good and bad times, but nonetheless, she's doing well in her own special way. She definately has her weaknesses (who doesn't), but with every mistake she makes, I hope she will be able to learn from it and mature in a positive & good way. Let's see if I still feel the same way as I am now 10 more years from now...hahaha...future topics - dealing with teenagers / tweens (I hope I can make it)