Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Outdated Blogging

Gosh...outdated blogging (again). I've been so way behind on writing anything in my blog. Sometimes it's due to being caught up with works, too exhausted to stay up late and long enough to write stuffs, thoughts easily wandering off (attention diverted to other things), etc...

Let me see...

Recently, I'm trying to change my lifestyle abit...bit by bit...hopefully can become a good habit...or whatever it may be. I hope I can really be determined enough to stay focus and concentrate on it. Yup, you might've guessed it...it's EXERCISE! hehehe...

I just bought my "personal trainer" and hope it'll treat me well. I'm sure I'll need some time to "bond" with it, but I guess there's plenty of time for that now. It really works up a sweat (my first 15 mins with it was already more than I could handle). By 2-3 days, achieved about 20 mins. The trainer said to try maintaining average of 30 mins per session. Next thing I should do is to monitor my weight. LOL...I'm so sensitive with the "numbers" on the scale that I dare not even use the scale.

No worries, the ultimate test would be the wardrobe test. That'll sure to prove the exercise routine's effectiveness. (I hope)

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