Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Biggest Rainbow Ever

While driving my daughter to her judo class during the evening, we happen to see a RAINBOW. It wasn't really a clear bright sight, but was clear enough to identify some colours, cos the day was starting to become dim.

Anyway, while driving on, we noticed the rainbow getting bigger and nearer in sight. What luck! For the 1st time in my whole entire life, I've reached and saw the rainbow really REALLY really upclose. While stopping at the traffic lights and admiring this remarkable sight, my daughter suddenly said "do you think we can find a big pot of gold and a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow?"

(LOL) *same thoughts I had when I was a kid too :3

Arguments Kids Have

Kids always fight and argue with each other over many things these days, but I can't help but laugh at this one...

Twin 1 : This is mine.
Twin 2 : No, it's mine.
Twin 1 : Mine one.
Twin 2 : No, mine ONE.
Twin 1 : MINE *merajuk-ing* (throwing tantrum)
Twin 2 : OK OK. I'll give you. (hands it over)
Twin 1 : MINE! (holding it tightly)
Twin 2 : Hmph...It's still mine you know...


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Setting New Goals

It's not a new year's resolution, but I guess it's close enough to be one. Well, it's been a week of tiring work out, but I feel kinda pumped up. Even though it was hard at first, but I manage to push it through. Physically tiring, but mentally keep pushing myself to achieve the target. YEAH! I made it. Now to maintain it.

Other goals to accomplish would be to keep learning new skills and techniques, practising more artworks, drawings, paintings. It's been really fun doing it. Even though I take longer time to finish it due to my lack of experience, but there's a bit of satisfaction being able to achieve it. The journey is still long though, more obstacles to face and challenges awaits.

Another thing would be, to earn and save enough to spend on myself. I think it's high time to think for myself a little bit more. Of course, kids will always come first, and to make sure that their needs are fulfilled. Should restrain myself sometimes and not to be greedy in indulging.

So GOALS, I'm gonna meet you all one day, sooner or later. I'm now chasing after it one after another!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Outdated Blogging

Gosh...outdated blogging (again). I've been so way behind on writing anything in my blog. Sometimes it's due to being caught up with works, too exhausted to stay up late and long enough to write stuffs, thoughts easily wandering off (attention diverted to other things), etc...

Let me see...

Recently, I'm trying to change my lifestyle abit...bit by bit...hopefully can become a good habit...or whatever it may be. I hope I can really be determined enough to stay focus and concentrate on it. Yup, you might've guessed's EXERCISE! hehehe...

I just bought my "personal trainer" and hope it'll treat me well. I'm sure I'll need some time to "bond" with it, but I guess there's plenty of time for that now. It really works up a sweat (my first 15 mins with it was already more than I could handle). By 2-3 days, achieved about 20 mins. The trainer said to try maintaining average of 30 mins per session. Next thing I should do is to monitor my weight. LOL...I'm so sensitive with the "numbers" on the scale that I dare not even use the scale.

No worries, the ultimate test would be the wardrobe test. That'll sure to prove the exercise routine's effectiveness. (I hope)