Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hot Sunday

Damn hot weather...can't even concentrate while writing my blogs. {jamming up my brains} What better way to cool down than to indulge in some ice cream, shakes or bubble teas, right ? {too bad I missed that chance}

I'll definately have some!! During another fine hot day...perhaps.

{I will}

Green chocs....honey teas...wait for ME!~

Mother's Day Gift

This post is really outdated...but I still feel like posting it...LOL

My eldest drew and decorated a Mother's Day Card for me. Wonder why she drew me with Rapunzel's long hair though...

She drew me teaching her to cook eggs...her very own omelette. And the other picture was about planting / watering plants. I'm glad she enjoyed those experiences. I'm also proud that she can write better chinese. Not perfect, but good enough for her level. She's really doing her best. {although at times she may not look like it}

Her grades aren't super good at school, but she can achieve many other great things {like her Judo}. It's her own accomplishments and some positive developments, and I hope she'll keep it up and become better one day.

{Keep at it and hang in there!}

Missing Workout

I miss my workout. Why ? I stopped working out since the beginning of the month when I started feeling sick. Then there's alot of exercises going on at work. Walking up and down, around and about, to and fro from building to building, floors to floors. And not forgetting getting locked in...{nightmare}

Really need to start working out again... {wait for me exercise machine!}

{seriously...I need it}

Blogging Spam

Yea, exactly like the title says, I'm going to spam my own blog. Actually, there's so many things to write which I didn't do it in the first place. {due to lotsa "LAME" reasons} *pardon me* But I'll try to keep it as sweet, simple and short as possible...few minutes reading TOPS! {cross my heart} A few seperate topics with few short write ups. It'll be easier than cramming everything here in this one. :)

Here goes nothing...